Incisal - 30g
Incisal Porcelains:
The incisal porcelains are highly translucent as compared to dentine porcelains.
During the layering process, remember that the chromatic effect of the incisal
porcelain is that of reducing the color saturation of the dentine while increasing
luminosity. It is critical to remember that a general incisal layering of the surface
of the restoration leads to an overall grayish appearance. CGI dentine porcelains
are highly translucent and when covered with the more translucent incisals, the
effect is a grayish appearance. Therefore when a more saturated or intense color is
desired, apply the incisal only to the incisal third of the restoration. Apply incisal
porcelains in very thin layers. If a greater luminosity is desired or less dentine
color saturation, apply the incisal in thicker layers.