ZERO-G Bio Implant Cement Kit - 7 gm Syr - 1pc - W/ 10
ZERO-G Bio Implant Cement Kit - - 7 gm Syr - 1pc - W/ 10
ZERO-G„¢ is a dual-cure implant cement and is recommended for intermediate to long-term cementation of implant-retained restorations. During recall the restoration can be easily removed.
ZERO-G„¢ provides excellent radio-opacity for good visualization after cementation to document complete clean-up, as well as diagnostic examination upon follow-up.
ZERO-G„¢ implant cement is retentive, and easily allows removal of excess cement, where it may occur. Unique color has great contrast to gingival tissue, creating easy visualization. Simple, easy clean-up.
Light-cure: 20 seconds - allows complete margin curing.
Self-cure: Working time: 1 min 45 sec. Set time: 2 min 30 sec.
This cement can also be used for traditional crown and bridge restorations when following pocelain or Zirconia bonding procedures.